We have already discussed how so many men fail to get help for sexual dysfunction brought on by insufficient levels of free testosterone in the bloodstream because they are too embarrassed to talk to a doctor or, they may not know the significant role testosterone has in proper sexual function. While ED is certainly one of the more common afflictions that men are likely to suffer in silence it certainly isn’t the only one. Emotional health is another area where many men tend to be reticent.
In the past, stolid stoicism was a hallmark of masculinity. These days, modern society tells men that it is acceptable to talk about their feelings. Nevertheless, that is still something that not many men feel really comfortable doing, especially when those emotions might be viewed as irrational or a sign of fragility (as is sometimes the case with issues like depression). Most men want to be seen as virile and tough, even if they don’t particularly feel like they used to.
Because of these sentiments, the medical community has been slow in recognizing and addressing a very real concern in aging men – the tendency toward some form of depression and moodiness. Many of these men have never had any previous history of depression prior to reaching middle-age. Otherwise psychologically balanced and adjusted men may begin to show many of the same emotional symptoms that women do when they hit menopause and for much the same reason. As with women, hormones are often the culprit and hormone replacement can be the solution.
When a man’s testosterone levels begin to drop, the hormonal shift can trigger fluctuating moods and an overall less sense of wellbeing. Add to this the self-esteem issues that can come with losing your muscle tone, energy levels and sex drive and the result can be pretty devastating. Fortunately, treatment with bio-identical testosterone to replenish the body’s free, total and bio-available testosterone can help a man regain what he has lost, both physically and mentally, so that he can function and feel like his old self again.
Testosterone even has something to offer those men who suffer from adult onset, andropause-induced depression, which is more widespread than previously known. Natural hormone replacement therapy with bioidentical testosterone should be a part of every man’s self-care regimen when he reaches middle-age, whether he has had previous issues with depression or not.
Material provided is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to treat, diagnose, cure or prevent disease and has not been evaluated by the FDA.
REVITA Anti-Aging recommends you consult a specially trained Age Management or Anti-Aging Physician before starting bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT). Bioidentical hormones should only be taken when clinical deficiencies are found by a trained physician via lab testing. REVITA Medical, PC physicians perform evaluations and specialized testing to qualify patients for treatment.
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