Thursday, April 22, 2010

Men and ED – An Uncomfortable Truth

At some point all of us have known “that guy” – the one who stands around the water cooler regaling his office colleagues with stories of his sexual prowess or loudly bragging about his bedroom exploits to a bar full of disinterested gentlemen who would much rather watch the game in peace. Hopefully we all know that guy instead of being that guy. On the other hand, it would be a safe bet to say that none of us know a guy who publicly proclaims his sexual dysfunction or lapsing libido.

Why is that? For men, there are few topics more uncomfortable than those of diminished sexual desire or capability. To the male psyche, virility is almost synonymous with masculinity. For some, decreased libido is almost like losing your sexual identity and can be even more distressing than gray hair or a receding hairline.

Even though not all men would openly admit it, every man begins to experience the symptoms of low testosterone in their 40s or 50s. For some it may be sooner or become problematic more rapidly, but at some point every man has to deal with it. Because it is such an awkward subject, many men refuse to discuss it even with their doctors. Unfortunately, their silence dooms them to lives that are less satisfying and enjoyable than they could be.

For those who do have the courage to speak out, however, bio-identical testosterone replacement therapy can hold the key to regaining that lost aspect of maleness. Of course, as we all know, having a little bit of trouble in the bedroom does not, in any way, make one less of a man. Still, when it happens to you, you may feel like less of one. Thankfully, natural hormone supplementation ensures that no man has to go through that just because he is getting a bit older.

There is one caveat, though. Testosterone replacement may not be sufficient to help a man whose difficulties with achieving and maintaining an erection or whose lack of sex drive stems from psychological issues such as post-traumatic stress disorder or depression. In these instances, it is necessary to address those mental concerns along with the physical. For those whose only obstacle to fulfillment is waning testosterone, however, the only thing standing between you and who you’d like to be is your reluctance to discuss the issue with a qualified hormone replacement therapist.

Material provided is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to treat, diagnose, cure or prevent disease and has not been evaluated by the FDA.

REVITA Anti-Aging recommends you consult a specially trained Age Management or Anti-Aging Physician before starting bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT). Bioidentical hormones should only be taken when clinical deficiencies are found by a trained physician via lab testing. REVITA Medical, PC physicians perform evaluations and specialized testing to qualify patients for treatment.

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