Do you remember your mother telling you as a child, “Eat your vegetables,” and you tried your best to resist? Turns out, this sage wisdom would be one of the best lessons you would learn as a child. Green foods are low in both calories and sugar. They are also among the most nutrient rich foods found on our planet and provide our bodies with a myriad of healthful benefits.
Green foods contain chlorophyll, the blood of the plant, which is similar in molecular structure to the hemoglobin of human blood. This chlorophyll reduces the binding of carcinogens to DNA in the liver and other organs and aids with elimination of excess acid.
Green foods also contain a wealth of vitamins and minerals. Wheat grass is one of the most beneficial green foods, containing high concentrations of vitamins and even protein. Plants are also high in fiber, which aids with digestion and helps prevent disease.
Another benefit of vegetables and grasses is high enzyme content. Enzymes increase energy and lengthen life span. They are involved in almost every chemical process in the body and are not easy to make, so consuming enzymes is essential. Plants also contain phytonutrients, which are extremely beneficial for the body.
Green foods are essential for your health, containing the ingredients needed for creation and maintenance of healthy cells. Following a well-balanced nutrition plan that includes these life-giving green foods will help you to live a healthier life.
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