It doesn’t matter how easy or how hard it was for us to keep a toned, trim figure as young men. Once we hit middle-age all men are in the same boat: You either find 3-4 hours to spend at the gym every day or you risk getting a bit flabby around the midsection. Of course, not too many men have that kind of time (nor the inclination at this point in their life).
Since we can’t live at the gym, we resign ourselves to increasing body fat and decreasing muscle. After all, it happens to every man as he gets older. His metabolism slows down, his energy levels decline and his muscle seems to be replaced with fat. It’s just a part of getting older, right? Wrong.
Part of what made it so much easier to keep fit during youth was the fact that a man’s testosterone production peaks during his teens, then maintains optimal levels throughout his twenties and early thirties. Not only is the body producing its peak levels of testosterone during this period, but the body relatively little of that testosterone is bound up by sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG). This means that more testosterone is available for use by the body than at any other time in a man’s life.
The optimal testosterone levels you experienced in your late teens and twenties accounted for your high energy and drive as a young man. You could do a handful of pushups a couple of times a week and still stay fit, but now no level of exercise seems to help. At this point in your life, you have two options: 1) You can just give up, say goodbye to your toes and go for that third helping of fried chicken; 2) You can try to double up your efforts at the gym and still not get the results you used to; 3) You can return your body’s level of free testosterone to the optimal level that helped keep you more fit in your younger days.
The first option is obviously not the best for your health and self-esteem. The second option is likely to only frustrate you, even if you do have the time for it. Only restoring your body’s testosterone is safe, healthy and 100% legal. So, if you aren’t ready to say farewell to your toes and exile yourself to the recliner with a bucket of fried chicken, then talk to a qualified hormone replacement therapist about starting out on the road to reclaiming your body with bioidentical testosterone.
Material provided is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to treat, diagnose, cure or prevent disease and has not been evaluated by the FDA.
REVITA Anti-Aging recommends you consult a specially trained Age Management or Anti-Aging Physician before starting bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT). Bioidentical hormones should only be taken when clinical deficiencies are found by a trained physician via lab testing. REVITA Medical, PC physicians perform evaluations and specialized testing to qualify patients for treatment.