Thursday, April 29, 2010

Men – Reach Your Optimal Vitality

As men age, their testosterone levels begin to decline… and it shows. Aging men often begin to notice decreasing metabolism, less energy, weight gain and muscle loss. As an aging man, you might try to compensate for this by spending hours at the gym and eating better, but the results just are not there. Fortunately, there is a solution for aging men who want to reach their optimal
vitality and improve their health.

Consider Dave, 54 years old, who started the REVITA program 1.5 years ago. He weighed 207 lbs. and wore size 36″ pants. He is now the lightest he has been in 20 years at 173 lbs. and size 30″ pants. His secret to this success? Dave reached his goals with a balanced diet, exercise and hormone optimization. With hormone optimization, Dave experienced the increased energy and drive he needed to change his habits. By restoring his hormones to the levels he had in his twenties, his efforts with diet and exercise were met with incredible results you see in his photo.

If you would like to experience results like Dave’s, speak with a qualified bioidentical hormone replacement therapist. Natural hormone therapy using bio-identical hormones provides safe, effective means for men to restore their optimal health and vitality.

Live Healthier with Green Foods

Do you remember your mother telling you as a child, “Eat your vegetables,” and you tried your best to resist? Turns out, this sage wisdom would be one of the best lessons you would learn as a child. Green foods are low in both calories and sugar. They are also among the most nutrient rich foods found on our planet and provide our bodies with a myriad of healthful benefits.

Green foods contain chlorophyll, the blood of the plant, which is similar in molecular structure to the hemoglobin of human blood. This chlorophyll reduces the binding of carcinogens to DNA in the liver and other organs and aids with elimination of excess acid.

Green foods also contain a wealth of vitamins and minerals. Wheat grass is one of the most beneficial green foods, containing high concentrations of vitamins and even protein. Plants are also high in fiber, which aids with digestion and helps prevent disease.

Another benefit of vegetables and grasses is high enzyme content. Enzymes increase energy and lengthen life span. They are involved in almost every chemical process in the body and are not easy to make, so consuming enzymes is essential. Plants also contain phytonutrients, which are extremely beneficial for the body.

Green foods are essential for your health, containing the ingredients needed for creation and maintenance of healthy cells. Following a well-balanced nutrition plan that includes these life-giving green foods will help you to live a healthier life.

Testosterone in Women

Just as many men are unaware that estrogen is naturally produced in the male body, many women are surprised to discover that testosterone is not strictly a male hormone. Not only is testosterone produced within the female body (about one-tenth of the amount produced by men), it is produced within the ovaries themselves, right alongside progesterone and estrogen.

Testosterone performs many of the same functions in women as it does in men. Just as in men, testosterone helps encourage bone growth and muscle development. It also plays a role in regulating mood and promoting a healthy libido. Testosterone may even help reduce a woman’s risk of heart disease.

It is truly unfortunate that testosterone has been so maligned in our society in regard to women. This social bias, coupled with a lack of deep understanding of hormones by many general practitioners, has led to testosterone being left out of the natural hormone replacement therapy regimens of many women.

The negative view of women undergoing testosterone replacement arises from a mixture of absolute misinformation and some misinterpretation of the facts. Some of the common social phobias surrounding properly administered testosterone, such as causing a woman to develop a deep voice and facial hair, are patently false. The assertions that women taking testosterone become more aggressive or display other stereotypically “male” personality traits are also statements of fiction, rather than fact.

The operative words here are “properly administered.” Testosterone must be taken as directed by a knowledgeable hormone replacement specialist physician. These physicians ideally have training in all three of the following organizations, affording them broad perspective in hormone therapy: The American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine, the North American Menopause Society, and the Age Management Medial Group.

Gross misuse of testosterone in any case, bio-identical or otherwise, male or female would be ill-advised.

A hormone replacement physician will closely monitor a woman’s blood levels and symptoms to determine the correct dosage of natural testosterone. A woman following the instructions of such a specialist is at no risk of growing a beard, singing baritone or developing a sudden urge to fight in the UFC. On the contrary, women who take bio-identical testosterone as directed by a hormone specialist report feeling healthier, happier, more energetic and more sexually fulfilled than women taking just estrogen and progesterone.

Material provided is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to treat, diagnose, cure or prevent disease and has not been evaluated by the FDA.

REVITA Anti-Aging recommends you consult a specially trained Age Management or Anti-Aging Physician before starting bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT). Bioidentical hormones should only be taken when clinical deficiencies are found by a trained physician via lab testing. REVITA Medical, PC physicians perform evaluations and specialized testing to qualify patients for treatment.

Testosterone and Mental Health

We have already discussed how so many men fail to get help for sexual dysfunction brought on by insufficient levels of free testosterone in the bloodstream because they are too embarrassed to talk to a doctor or, they may not know the significant role testosterone has in proper sexual function. While ED is certainly one of the more common afflictions that men are likely to suffer in silence it certainly isn’t the only one. Emotional health is another area where many men tend to be reticent.

In the past, stolid stoicism was a hallmark of masculinity. These days, modern society tells men that it is acceptable to talk about their feelings. Nevertheless, that is still something that not many men feel really comfortable doing, especially when those emotions might be viewed as irrational or a sign of fragility (as is sometimes the case with issues like depression). Most men want to be seen as virile and tough, even if they don’t particularly feel like they used to.

Because of these sentiments, the medical community has been slow in recognizing and addressing a very real concern in aging men – the tendency toward some form of depression and moodiness. Many of these men have never had any previous history of depression prior to reaching middle-age. Otherwise psychologically balanced and adjusted men may begin to show many of the same emotional symptoms that women do when they hit menopause and for much the same reason. As with women, hormones are often the culprit and hormone replacement can be the solution.

When a man’s testosterone levels begin to drop, the hormonal shift can trigger fluctuating moods and an overall less sense of wellbeing. Add to this the self-esteem issues that can come with losing your muscle tone, energy levels and sex drive and the result can be pretty devastating. Fortunately, treatment with bio-identical testosterone to replenish the body’s free, total and bio-available testosterone can help a man regain what he has lost, both physically and mentally, so that he can function and feel like his old self again.

Testosterone even has something to offer those men who suffer from adult onset, andropause-induced depression, which is more widespread than previously known. Natural hormone replacement therapy with bioidentical testosterone should be a part of every man’s self-care regimen when he reaches middle-age, whether he has had previous issues with depression or not.

Material provided is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to treat, diagnose, cure or prevent disease and has not been evaluated by the FDA.

REVITA Anti-Aging recommends you consult a specially trained Age Management or Anti-Aging Physician before starting bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT). Bioidentical hormones should only be taken when clinical deficiencies are found by a trained physician via lab testing. REVITA Medical, PC physicians perform evaluations and specialized testing to qualify patients for treatment.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Testosterone: A Guard Against Prostate Cancer

The threat of prostate cancer is a specter that haunts every man. Prostate cancer is the second most deadly form of cancer in men (after lung cancer), accounting for 10% of cancer-related deaths of males. According to the American Cancer Society, one-third of all male cancer cases are prostate cancer. It’s safe to say that, if it were not such a very real threat, very few men would subject themselves to yearly prostate exams.

The role of testosterone in prostate health has been a subject of major study and debate over the past couple of decades. It was once believed that testosterone actually contributed to a man’s risk for developing prostate cancer. In fact, this misinformation is still very much widespread. Recent research indicates that the opposite is true, however. Studies in prominent peer-reviewed journals, such as the New England Journal of Medicine and the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, have shown that testosterone is not the root cause of prostate cancer.

As men age, risk of prostate cancer and benign prostatic hyperplasia (the non-cancerous prostate enlargement that affects almost all men at some point in their lives) increases. This increasing risk coincides with the decrease of testosterone production at andropause. There are very few cases of prostate enlargement or prostate cancer in younger men with optimal levels of testosterone. Only when the amount of free testosterone in the body wanes do these conditions become prevalent.

Some of the reasoning behind the continuing misperception of testosterone’s impact on the prostate may lie in the fact that androgens have been indicated as a potential factor in the spreading of existing cancer cells. This means that while testosterone does not cause cancer itself, it may help cancer to spread. After all, if testosterone were the root cause of cancer, then prostate cancer in young men would be fairly common instead of extremely rare.

The testosterone that keeps young men healthy is likely to be the best preventive measure for aging men wishing to avoid prostate enlargement and prostate cancer for two reasons: Prostate enlargement and prostate cancer are not often found in young men with optimal testosterone levels; and, it has been shown that testosterone does not increase the risk of cancer or cause an increase in prostate size in older men.

Regarding testosterone and prostate cancer, “Fortunately this belief has been shown to be incorrect, with good evidence that T therapy is quite safe for the prostate. There is even now a growing concern that low T is a risk for prostate cancer rather than high T”. Dr. Morgentaler, Associate Clinical Professor, Harvard Medical School and author of “Testosterone for Life”.

Material provided is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to treat, diagnose, cure or prevent disease and has not been evaluated by the FDA.

REVITA Anti-Aging recommends you consult a specially trained Age Management or Anti-Aging Physician before starting bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT). Bioidentical hormones should only be taken when clinical deficiencies are found by a trained physician via lab testing. REVITA Medical, PC physicians perform evaluations and specialized testing to qualify patients for treatment.

Testosterone and Female Sexuality

It is fairly common knowledge that testosterone is closely linked to male sexuality. When a man reaches andropause, the point where his body dramatically slows its production of testosterone, he not only begins to lose his sex drive, he may even experience physical difficulty in sexual function. Oddly, when a woman expresses a concern for her diminished sex drive and difficulty in achieving arousal, the first thing the medical community looks for is some sort of psychological block, often without considering her testosterone production.

Many women experience feelings of lost sexuality either shortly before, during or after menopause. Too often these women are given only estrogen and progesterone but not DHEA and testosterone therapy. When they continue to experience these feelings of diminished sexuality, women are sometimes usually advised to seek out psychological help. These women are then left feeling helpless and confused as to how this sudden psychological "issue" with sex could have developed so suddenly and without reason.

Women and men both experience decreased hormone production as they age, but often physicians only prescribe testosterone therapy for men. Women are often overlooked by their physician for this type of therapy and may experience frustration, but there is hope. Even though the female body produces only one-tenth of the amount of testosterone that a male does, that one-tenth has a tremendous physiological impact. This is especially true in regard to sexual desire.

This is why hormone replacement therapy with only estrogen and progesterone are not sufficient (though they are very important in their own rights). Estrogen does have a small role, in that it aids in the production of vaginal lubricants. However, the sex drive itself is almost entirely fueled by testosterone. Of course, bringing your sex life back from the dead is not the only reason to seek out testosterone replacement. There are a bevy of other long-term health benefits to go along with it from stronger bones and muscles to improved emotional stability.

Any woman who is hoping to regain her sense of being a sexy and vibrant woman should seek out a bio-identical hormone specialist who understands the role of bioidentical testosterone and DHEA on female sexuality. Any woman who is currently undergoing natural hormone replacement therapy with estrogen and progesterone without testosterone should also seek out a hormone specialist who understands how important bioidentical testosterone is for overall health and wellbeing. No woman should be content to settle for less when she can have it all.

Material provided is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to treat, diagnose, cure or prevent disease and has not been evaluated by the FDA.

REVITA Anti-Aging recommends you consult a specially trained Age Management or Anti-Aging Physician before starting bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT). Bioidentical hormones should only be taken when clinical deficiencies are found by a trained physician via lab testing. REVITA Medical, PC physicians perform evaluations and specialized testing to qualify patients for treatment.

Osteoporosis in Men

Bones are not static, they are dynamic. Throughout your lifetime your bones are constantly being absorbed by cells called osteoclasts and rebuilt by different cells called osteoblasts. As a person gets older the osteoblasts fall behind and lose their ability to keep up with the absorption of bone by osteoclasts. As a result, bone begins to lose its density and become porous, a debilitating condition known as osteoporosis.

Osteoporosis is most often associated with aging in women. In fact, most men erroneously assume that this devastating disease only affects women. While women do tend to develop osteoporosis at a younger age than men do, the truth is that men are equally susceptible to it when their testosterone levels begin to decline. If anything, women are only more likely to suffer a life-threatening bone fracture as a result of bones weakened by osteoporosis, than men are because men are more likely to die of other health issues before osteoporosis becomes an issue for them.

As advancements in medicine and trends in healthier living continue to extend the average lifespan, men from the Baby Boomer and younger generation can expect to catch up to women’s longevity. The truth is current trends indicate that by the year 2025, the numbers of serious bone fractures sustained by men will more than double. This makes osteoporosis an equal concern for both sexes.

A man’s risk for developing osteoporosis begins to steadily increase after andropause (the point where the body’s production of testosterone begins to taper off). Not only do a man’s bones begin to weaken at this age, but so do the muscles that support those bones. This is a one-two punch to a man’s potential longevity. Just as with women over the age of 65, over half of elderly men who suffer a hip fracture die within 2 years.

A key to preventing and reversing bone loss in men is bio-identical testosterone replacement coupled with exercise and dietary supplements of vitamin D, calcium and bisphosphonates. Testosterone in men serves in much the same way as estrogen does in women to slow bone loss. Furthermore, estosterone’s conversion to estradiol within the body provides the means to actually rebuild bone using the building blocks in the mentioned dietary supplements so that bones stay strong and healthy well into old age.

From an article titled “Association of Testosterone and Estradiol Deficiency with Osteoporosis and Rapid Bone Loss in Older Men” from the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, doi:10.1210/jc.2006-0173:

Conclusions: Older men with total testosterone or estradiol deficiency were more likely to be osteoporotic. Those with osteoporosis were more likely to be total testosterone or estradiol deficient. Rapid hip bone loss was more likely in men with total testosterone deficiency. BMD testing of older men with sex steroid deficiency may be clinically warranted.

Material provided is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to treat, diagnose, cure or prevent disease and has not been evaluated by the FDA.

REVITA Anti-Aging recommends you consult a specially trained Age Management or Anti-Aging Physician before starting bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT). Bioidentical hormones should only be taken when clinical deficiencies are found by a trained physician via lab testing. REVITA Medical, PC physicians perform evaluations and specialized testing to qualify patients for treatment.