The natural process of aging, often marked by illness and a decline in the quality of life, has largely been ignored in males. Symptoms are often overlooked or written off as depression. While many women benefit from hormone replacement, the same choice has not been widely available for men. Declining hormone levels in both men and women cause much of what we commonly call aging. When proper hormone balance is restored, significant improvement is seen.
Men experience a midlife menopause, or andropause as some prefer to call it, similar to that of women. However, this has not been widely accepted in the mainstream medical community because presenting symptoms of male menopause are not the same as those of women. Male menopause is a slower, steadier process, often occurring over a decade or longer. Additionally, the symptoms are different and more variable among patients. Though this change can be caused by a variety of factors, it is rooted the body’s reaction to hormonal decline. This is seen in the fact that older, healthy men have high testosterone levels. Likewise, a man’s health will steadily decline with a corresponding decline in testosterone levels.
Hormone boosting or replacement can reverse many signs of aging. Common risk factors for death are closely related to hormone levels. Thus, balancing the hormones can reverse many of these risk factors. Hormone balancing can be achieved either through the use of natural methods or hormone replacement therapy. Bringing hormone levels up to optimal levels will allow the latter years to be filled with strength, vigor and vitality, as opposed to increasing depression, lack of strength and waning sexual performance.
Testosterone, known as the male hormone, is more important than most people realize. It is involved in making protein, creating bone, helping to control blood sugar and maintaining a healthy immune system just to name a few of its many functions. It also appears to affect concentration and mood. Thus, replacing declining testosterone levels in both men and women improves the quality of life and these effects have been shown in numerous case studies on the subject.
The aging process is not a necessary evil. While no one can live forever, the latter years need not be filled with sickness and lethargy. Instead, through the proper use of hormones, a vital and active life can be recouped and lived healthily and enjoyably. Testosterone is an important component of good health in both men and women, making it a necessary piece for improved health and functioning.
For more information, visit: www.revitaantiagingcenter.com